Display MoreIf it works without mods and comes back with mods, i would suggest to search which mod occures the error.
In your case its not so simple. Normaly i would suggest du deactivate half of the mods. If the error is still their, you know which half has the problem and then make the same with this half. So you can find the problem eben if you have 200 mods in 6-7 tries.
But in your case the error breaks the whole savegame.So first:
Post a list of your mods here. Sometimes we can see which mod makes the problem.second:
look is their any mod which has something to do with fields at all.3rd:
Make a fresh game (or use the old game without mods before you reactivated it... i hope you have saves here). Save the game manually!And then add mods. I would suggest 10 by 10 and try to cause the error. Maybe also try the version i wrote above.
Or add all mods, but not the ones which have something todo with fields. But reload if the error occures the version you saved manually without mods, because these version of your save is not broken. So use it as base and do not override it.
if the error occures since years it can be that their is an old mod which is not up to date and breaks the save.
The anno1800-log files are not bad. But the code and the modding system makes it that their are tousands of errors. And to find the right one is a huge mess, because their does not stand which error is a mod and which are only errors from the developers never solved and without impact to the game.
We can say that the error is not in anno. Because you are one of millions who has this problem. So the problem must be your pc, windows or mods, if anno is not broken.
Have your reinstalled Anno1800 or Windows the last years since the error occures? And it comes only with fields and anno? A specific session? old world, enbesa, new world, etc?
Thanks for that.
I'm currently playing a fresh install of Anno on a fresh install of windows. So far the crash hasn't happened. But I want to give it a few more days to give it a chance.