Anno 1800 - Freeze Crash

  • Need some help.
    There is no option to test my pc via the dxdiag route, as per your instructions.

    Problem: Anno 1800 Freezes when I lay field cells.
    Task Manager > Kill Process.
    Everything else works perfectly.
    Problem has existed for a couple of years.
    Work Around: Repeatedly SAVE the game. So, lay 10-20 field cells > Save > Lay another 20 cells > Save > Repeat.
    Yes, it's frustrating.

    Drivers are up to date.
    Mods? Yes. Around 139 mods installed.

    -- System Spec ---
    Screen1 - 34" Acer Predator X34P Curved Ultrawide QHD
    Screen2 - MSI 24" Full HD 144Hz Curved FreeSync Monitor
    Screen3 - MSI 24" Full HD 144Hz Curved FreeSync Monitor
    GPU - MSI GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Trio 11GB
    MOBO - Asus ROG Strix X570-E
    CPU - Ryzen 9 3900X
    RAM - 32GB Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3733 Mhz DDR4 Quad Channel
    CPU Cooler - NZXT Kraken X72
    PSU - 850W Asus ROG Thor
    CASE - be quiet! Dark Base Pro 900 Rev.2
    NVMe M.2 - WD_Black SN850X 2TB.
    NVMe M.2 - Samsung 980 PRO 2TB.

    --- Event Viewer ---
    The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {2593F8B9-4EAF-457C-B68A-50F6B8EA6B54} and APPID {15C20B67-12E7-4BB6-92BB-7AFF07997402} to the user WILLIAM\GaryH SID (S-1-5-21-3611340019-689198113-1379190712-1001) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
    --- End ---

    --- Anno Log File ---
    [01:21:48][102588][ NOTICE] rdgc::CGameClient::Run: BuildString: [Build: 2024-04-19 16:11:38] Anno7 UPlayGoldmaster Win64 Release-Static v18.2.1336919.165041 cdlc14[01:21:52][102588][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file maindata/ru_ru0.rda failed with error 2: The system cannot find the file specified.
    [01:21:52][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::COutputWindow::Create: Display 0: 3440 x 1440 resolution[01:21:52][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::COutputWindow::Create: Clamped resolution: 3440 x 1440[01:21:52][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CAmdGpuServices::InitLibrary: Failed initializing AMD GPU Services (return code 6; this is fine for machines with a non-AMD graphics card)[01:21:52][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CDevice3D12::CreateDevice: Created DirectX12 device with feature level 12.0 for adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti'[01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CCommandList12::Create: Failed querying ID3D12DebugCommandList1![01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CShaderManager::InitDirectories: Effect file root dir: ''[01:21:53][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CShaderManager::InitDirectories: Using precompiled shader path: 'C:/Users/GaryH/Documents/Anno 1800/shaders/'[01:21:53][78048][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file data/shaders/fx/terrain_tundra.fx failed with error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
    [01:21:58][78048][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file data/shaders/fx/terrain_tundra.fx failed with error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
    [01:21:58][102588][ NOTICE] rd3d::CSessionManager::CreateSession: Created session ID -1:'Default'[01:21:59][102588][ NOTICE] rdto::CToolOneDataLoader::FinalizeLoad: ec7bde3b394fe9ae Final checksum[01:22:00][102588][ NOTICE] rdgs::CAccountSettings::InitializeTextAndAudioLanguage: Language returned by First Party: "en-US"[01:22:00][102588][ NOTICE] rdgs::CAccountSettings::InitializeTextAndAudioLanguage: Language returned by First Party: "en-US"[01:22:01][15740][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file data/blacklists/chinese.txt failed with error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
    [01:22:01][15740][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file data/blacklists/taiwanese.txt failed with error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
    [01:22:01][15740][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file data/blacklists/japanese.txt failed with error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
    [01:22:01][15740][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file data/blacklists/korean.txt failed with error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
    [01:22:01][102588][ ERROR] rdgs::CTextSourceResolver::BindPythonInterface: ImportError: Cannot overload existing non-function object "GetUpdateInfo" with a function of the same name[01:22:01][102588][ ERROR] rdsdk::CLogger::TraceLastError: Failed to open file data/config/engine/ambientsettings/local/dlc03_01_storm.xml failed with error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.
    --- End - Can give more if required ---

    -- Anno 1404 Venice Exp.
    -- Anno 2070.
    -- Anno 2205.
    -- Anno 1800. Alpha and Beta Tester.

    Facebook Media Page

  • Hello,

    there could be a defective mod.
    Have you already deactivated all mods and reactivated them one by one so that you can fix the error?

    The other possibility is that you can have the files checked. If an error occurs there, it will usually be fixed.
    You can do this under Ubisoft connect --> Anno 1800 --> The symbol that looks like a cogwheel --> Check files.
    This will take a moment.

    Translated with (free version)

    Anno 1503 / AddOn; Anno 1701 KE; Anno 1404 / Add On; Anno 2070 KE / Anno 2205 KE ; Anno 1800 mit DLC 1-4

  • Hello,

    there could be a defective mod.
    Have you already deactivated all mods and reactivated them one by one so that you can fix the error?

    The other possibility is that you can have the files checked. If an error occurs there, it will usually be fixed.
    You can do this under Ubisoft connect --> Anno 1800 --> The symbol that looks like a cogwheel --> Check files.
    This will take a moment.

    Translated with (free version)

    Yes, I've tried deactivating mods. It made no difference.

    I think the problem might be in the code / logs... although trying to figure that out is a nightmare!

    -- Anno 1404 Venice Exp.
    -- Anno 2070.
    -- Anno 2205.
    -- Anno 1800. Alpha and Beta Tester.

    Facebook Media Page

  • Then you should have the files checked.
    If there is nothing there either, then it could also be a Windows problem

    Anno 1503 / AddOn; Anno 1701 KE; Anno 1404 / Add On; Anno 2070 KE / Anno 2205 KE ; Anno 1800 mit DLC 1-4

  • I'm with Raymond, let UbiConnect check the game files.
    In second stage also very interesting: Occurs the problem too when you start a new savegame?
    There is a possibility that a mod causes this and the bug also stays when the mod get inactivated. So only deactivating Mods is sadly not 100% guarantee that all mods are fine. Therefor a new savegame with and a new save without mods can help to tell.

  • Then you should have the files checked.
    If there is nothing there either, then it could also be a Windows problem

    I checked the files as instructed, all files were ok and the game crashed at the same action.

    How do you mean 'a windows problem'? My pc works perfectly.
    But, I have just uninstalled MSI Centre and MSI Afterburner. I highly doubt they're the problem, going from the errors in the logs. I'm just trying what another website recommends.

    -- Anno 1404 Venice Exp.
    -- Anno 2070.
    -- Anno 2205.
    -- Anno 1800. Alpha and Beta Tester.

    Facebook Media Page

  • I'm with Raymond, let UbiConnect check the game files.
    In second stage also very interesting: Occurs the problem too when you start a new savegame?
    There is a possibility that a mod causes this and the bug also stays when the mod get inactivated. So only deactivating Mods is sadly not 100% guarantee that all mods are fine. Therefor a new savegame with and a new save without mods can help to tell.

    The game I'm playing now is a fresh new game.
    But, that's with mods.

    So, I will start a new game now with no mods... brb :lol:

    -- Anno 1404 Venice Exp.
    -- Anno 2070.
    -- Anno 2205.
    -- Anno 1800. Alpha and Beta Tester.

    Facebook Media Page

  • Moin zusammen,

    kann sich einer von den Cracks hier mal die Fehler anschauen, die im ersten Posting gelistet sind?

    So wie ich das sehe, sollte er sein Anno neu installieren, weil irgendwas nicht auf die RDA 0 zugreifen kann.
    In wie weit das entscheidend ist, weis ich nicht. Solch einen Fehler hatte ich bei noch keinem Anno Teil.

    Da scheint aber noch wesentlich mehr im argen zu sein und das Problem besteht wohl schon eine ganze weile.

    Anno 1503 / AddOn; Anno 1701 KE; Anno 1404 / Add On; Anno 2070 KE / Anno 2205 KE ; Anno 1800 mit DLC 1-4

  • Maybe this can help?…-settings-do-no

    I found that with googling the EventViewer Log entry.
    But please double check if it's related also to your case, but as I saw it should.

    I wouldn't thought about a windows problem in this way, but I'm not a pro and this mya help.
    What else I would try:
    Switching from DX12 to DX11 (but not viceversa since DX11 is more stable)

    But no, I don't think there are problems with RDA0. It's just a single entry regarding loca file. That can be totally normal for not delivered languages. Not everyone has all languages. I readed a few times users that asked why they can't use russia. LangPack seems to be depending on the purchase way, UbiConnect Settings, whatever.

  • Moin schwubbe,

    kann man z.B. Russisch nicht nachinstallieren? Ich brauch keine andere Sprache, deswegen hab ich mich damit nie beschäftigt.

    Schau dir mal die d3dFehler an. Schaut aus wie ein Grafikkartenfehler, oder das Spiel kann nicht auf die Karte zugfreifen, warum auch immer.

    Ich würde ihm ja raten, das er Anno komplett deinstallieren soll und eine saubere Installation macht und dann erstmal ohne Mods spielt.
    Hat aber auch noch keiner gefragt, ob er das schon einmal gemacht hat.
    Weil, das rumdoktern macht es am ende nicht besser, das ist meine Erfahrung.

    Anno 1503 / AddOn; Anno 1701 KE; Anno 1404 / Add On; Anno 2070 KE / Anno 2205 KE ; Anno 1800 mit DLC 1-4

  • kann man z.B. Russisch nicht nachinstallieren? Ich brauch keine andere Sprache, deswegen hab ich mich damit nie beschäftigt.

    Tatsächlich ist das nicht ganz so einfach. Das Spiel wird je nach Region entweder mit allen Sprachen verkauft, dann kann man jederzeit frei wählen. Andere haben aber in Ihrer Version bestimmte Sprachen partout nicht verfügbar. Dann kann man die auch nicht nachinstallieren oder nachkaufen. Möglich, das der Support da helfen kann, ich denke aber auch da eher nein.
    Welche Regionen das betrifft weiß ich aber nicht. Das ist alles nur aus Beobachtung von Usermeldungen hängen geblieben.

    Schau dir mal die d3dFehler an. Schaut aus wie ein Grafikkartenfehler, oder das Spiel kann nicht auf die Karte zugfreifen, warum auch immer.

    Das Grundproblem ist, das die Anno-Logs leider kaum zum eruieren von crashes nützlich sind.
    Schau dir mal deine Log-Dateien an. Die Dinger sind voll von Fehlermeldungen. Teilweise ist es beim Modding sogar so, das bestimmte Datei-Typen vom modder gar nicht gemacht werden können. Im Spiel macht es aber dann keinen Unterschied, aber im Log haste 'ne Fehlermeldung. Aber auch Ubisoft lädt da so verdammt viel Müll drin ab.
    Ein weiterer Grund ist viel simpler: In dem Moment, wenn das Spiel tot ist, dann ist es tot und kann auch nicht mehr loggen.
    Könnte man hier und da sicher besser abfangen, etc. pp., aber wir reden ja vom Zustand wie er ist.

    Ich würde ihm ja raten, das er Anno komplett deinstallieren soll und eine saubere Installation macht und dann erstmal ohne Mods spielt.
    Hat aber auch noch keiner gefragt, ob er das schon einmal gemacht hat.
    Weil, das rumdoktern macht es am ende nicht besser, das ist meine Erfahrung.

    Naahh ... Neuinstallieren ist dann aber echt schon der Vorschlaghammer. Nach dem Checken der Dateien hat man - eigentlich - eine neuwertige Installation.
    Ich würde jetzt erst einmal warten, wie sein Test mit neuem Spiel ohne Mods ausschaut, und ob evtl. der Artikel von Microsoft hilft den ich gepostet habe.
    Nun muss Dragonfyr erstmal aktiv werden. Weiter rumzuraten, wenn da noch offene Fragen sind, bringt ja ebenso wenig ;)

  • Hallo schwubbe,

    das sind genau die Antworten die mir ein bissel weiterhelfen.
    Ich hab da gerade gemerkt, das ich mich viel zu wenig mit dem technischen Kram von Anno und Windows beschäftige.
    Da war ich mal mehr auf zack. Aber seitdem mein PC läuft wie ne Nähmaschine, Bastel ich da gar nicht mehr groß rum.
    Weder an der Hardware, noch an der Software.

    Ich werd mich zukünftig nicht mehr soweit aus dem Fenster lehnen, nicht das ich noch rausfalle.
    Und ich werd mich auch zurücknehmen, was Ratschläge angeht..... Ist in diesem Fall zum Glück nicht weiter wild gewesen.

    Anno 1503 / AddOn; Anno 1701 KE; Anno 1404 / Add On; Anno 2070 KE / Anno 2205 KE ; Anno 1800 mit DLC 1-4

  • Ich werd mich zukünftig nicht mehr soweit aus dem Fenster lehnen, nicht das ich noch rausfalle.
    Und ich werd mich auch zurücknehmen, was Ratschläge angeht..... Ist in diesem Fall zum Glück nicht weiter wild gewesen.

    Naahh ... Nur weil ich des jetzt anders einschätze als du, ist kein Grund die Hilfe einzustellen. ;)

  • Nee, nicht ganz. Ich werd nur noch was dazu sagen, wenn ich mir sehr sicher bin. Ansonsten muss ich wohl erst mal wieder was dazu lernen.

    Anno 1503 / AddOn; Anno 1701 KE; Anno 1404 / Add On; Anno 2070 KE / Anno 2205 KE ; Anno 1800 mit DLC 1-4

  • To add. When i said "I tried without mods", that was with the mods turned off, but I was loading the same Save game (which had been using mods). Obviously, I need to try a fresh game, which is what I'm currently doing.

    @Raymond XX
    - First Post.
    Thank you :)

    The problem hasn't occurred in this new (BORING lol) game. But, I haven't got to the stage where I can purchase the same Trade union items yet. So, I can't replicate the issue just yet.

    - Second Post.
    Hey schwubbe,

    As above.
    But, if all this new game (no mods) fails, I will try the reinstall option.



    I'm not sure that issue is for me? But, I will give it a go (tomorrow... it's 5am, I'm tired haha).

    I have tried switching DX11 to DX12, same problem.

    >> LANGUAGES >> As for the different languages. It was originally saying 'French'. So I downloaded that language pack, now it says 'Russian'. :/

    - Second Post.
    If there are any other logs I can look at for you, I will be more than happy to do so?


    My update:
    Playing this fresh game with no mods. I've placed many farm tiles, no crash. BUT, that's without any trade union perks. Which I think I'd need to have so I can replicate the same situation, to make it a fair test.

    Didn't realise you guys cared so much tbh, so I gave up on this post. Just came back to find you have been talking about it, that's really nice, thank you :) I will continue to post updates, when I can replicate the issue without mods.

    To be honest, I think it's a mod issue. So, when I'm able to replicate the issue, and it won't crash (I think it won't), then I guess I'd have to go through EVERY one of the 139 mods, reload the game and try planting fields. When it eventually crashes, I'll have an answer. My pc is good, but loading still takes time.... so that will SUCK! But I'd do it :)

    Thanks guys :)

    -- Anno 1404 Venice Exp.
    -- Anno 2070.
    -- Anno 2205.
    -- Anno 1800. Alpha and Beta Tester.

    Facebook Media Page

  • Update.

    So I started turning some mods back on and everything was going fine until last night when the game did the same freeze and crash :(

    So I decided to look at Windows Event Viewer and try and figure it out again.
    Changed a few settings, edited the registry, edited policies, followed a lot of troubleshooting...

    And.... the game still crashes at the same point, laying field cells!

    But then the Windows Event Viewer froze and crashed! Multiple times! :lol:

    So, now I'm considering a fresh full installation of Windows, Anno, years of programs, settings etc etc :(

    -- Anno 1404 Venice Exp.
    -- Anno 2070.
    -- Anno 2205.
    -- Anno 1800. Alpha and Beta Tester.

    Facebook Media Page

  • Update.

    So I started turning some mods back on and everything was going fine until last night when the game did the same freeze and crash :(

    So I decided to look at Windows Event Viewer and try and figure it out again.
    Changed a few settings, edited the registry, edited policies, followed a lot of troubleshooting...

    And.... the game still crashes at the same point, laying field cells!

    But then the Windows Event Viewer froze and crashed! Multiple times! :lol:

    So, now I'm considering a fresh full installation of Windows, Anno, years of programs, settings etc etc :(

    - Nuked Windows OS.
    - Reinstalling Anno 1800.
    - Will update what happens soon..

    -- Anno 1404 Venice Exp.
    -- Anno 2070.
    -- Anno 2205.
    -- Anno 1800. Alpha and Beta Tester.

    Facebook Media Page

  • If it works without mods and comes back with mods, i would suggest to search which mod occures the error.
    In your case its not so simple. Normaly i would suggest du deactivate half of the mods. If the error is still their, you know which half has the problem and then make the same with this half. So you can find the problem eben if you have 200 mods in 6-7 tries.
    But in your case the error breaks the whole savegame.

    So first:
    Post a list of your mods here. Sometimes we can see which mod makes the problem.

    look is their any mod which has something to do with fields at all.

    Make a fresh game (or use the old game without mods before you reactivated it... i hope you have saves here). Save the game manually!

    And then add mods. I would suggest 10 by 10 and try to cause the error. Maybe also try the version i wrote above.
    Or add all mods, but not the ones which have something todo with fields. But reload if the error occures the version you saved manually without mods, because these version of your save is not broken. So use it as base and do not override it.

    if the error occures since years it can be that their is an old mod which is not up to date and breaks the save.
    The anno1800-log files are not bad. But the code and the modding system makes it that their are tousands of errors. And to find the right one is a huge mess, because their does not stand which error is a mod and which are only errors from the developers never solved and without impact to the game.

    We can say that the error is not in anno. Because you are one of millions who has this problem. So the problem must be your pc, windows or mods, if anno is not broken.

    Have your reinstalled Anno1800 or Windows the last years since the error occures? And it comes only with fields and anno? A specific session? old world, enbesa, new world, etc?

    Ich bin Legastheniker.

    Wer also Rechtschreibfehler oder unklare Formulierungen findet, soll bitte versuchen die Grundaussage zu verstehen oder darf sie gerne behalten :)

    Danke für euer Verständnis.

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