Files by Dobber

  1. Dobber's Easter Contenst 2007 This is a modified version of [url=]Trading Partners[/url].There are no freetraders in the game, no pirates, no disasters! You are the trader in this game! And the goal i ...
  2. Invaded

    • Dobber
    • July 21, 2006 at 4:37 PM
    Foreign invaders have disturbed the peace of your island kingdom. They have taken over all of your cities except the Capitol city of your Empire and were on the verge of taking it when your troops finally defeated the invading army. Most of your beaut ...
  3. Mysterious Islands

    • Dobber
    • December 13, 2005 at 2:31 PM
    Your King has asked that you protect the Royal Palace, while building a population of 2500 of which 1000 must be Aristocrats. You are to achieve an overall balance of 3000 and a trade balance of 500. There is something mysterious about this chain of i ...
  4. Where Lies Your Enemy

    • Dobber
    • December 12, 2005 at 1:56 AM
    4 player scenario, with different goals for each player! Do not worry all have been assigned equal tasks (on paper that is), I have no control over the caliber of player you wind up with as your enemy! Speaking of enemies, the title says it all "Where ...
  5. Starting Over 2

    • Dobber
    • November 29, 2005 at 3:18 AM
    Oh my! You had settled on an island in what looked to be a promising chain. What you did not know was that this chain of islands is a favorite of pirates, they like to come here to bury their treasure. One day you spotted a pirate ship on the horizo ...
  6. Rum Runners II

    • Dobber
    • October 26, 2005 at 9:01 PM
    A simple monopoly of cane! Updated version 30.11.2005! This is a totally different twist to the [url=]former Rumrunners scenario[/url]! The AI player has been removed and freetraders put back into t ...
  7. Uncharted Isles

    • Dobber
    • October 10, 2005 at 11:54 PM
    You have discovered an uncharted chain of islands rich in resources. You desire to present this prize to your Master and decide to settle these islands. The prize find is large enough to support a city of 3000 Aristocrats. And the other large island c ...
  8. Rumrunners

    • Dobber
    • October 10, 2005 at 5:01 AM
    A simple monopoly of cane and vines! You must also help the AI player achieve a population of 100 inhabitants! File contains 2 and 3 player versions. Please bear in mind there is more than one option for wood, so if the first person off the island ...
  9. A Star Will Guide

    • Dobber
    • September 11, 2005 at 10:42 PM
    You are your father's firstborn, but somehow your brother has managed to convince your father that you are worthless and to pass your inheritance all to him. You are left with nothing but a small band of friends, a merchant willing to loan you a sh ...
  10. Trading Partners

    • Dobber
    • August 31, 2005 at 2:43 AM
    Corrected Version - 31.08.2005 The King is searching for a new Lord of the Treasury, your reputation as a shrewd trader has come to his attention. He is prepared to name you to his court as Treasury Lord if you can pass a simple test, You must ...
  11. King's Inquest

    • Dobber
    • June 27, 2005 at 12:03 AM
    The King has sent you to conduct an inquest of the Governor's books.The Governor in this chain of islands has not contacted the King nor sent any trade goods or taxes. Upon arrival in the chain of islands, you find that the King's colony of Florinz ha ...
  12. Governor's Challenge

    • Dobber
    • June 19, 2005 at 6:44 AM
    The King is giving you a chance to prove yourself worthy of Governorship. The previous Governor in this chain of islands made some critical mistakes in planning. He built the warehouse on an inland lake, therefore no trade is possible. He has left you ...
  13. Acoustic Island

    • Dobber
    • June 10, 2005 at 7:52 AM
    This island I did for fun, just to see if I could do the shape of an Acoustic guitar. My son really liked it and had to go get his guitar and play around with it while I was finishing up the island. Maybe someone can have a little fun with it. Size ...
  14. King's Treasure Multiplayer

    • Dobber
    • June 6, 2005 at 10:46 AM
    You were on a mission for your King when your ship became landlocked during a storm, you have managed to build a warehouse and a fortress in this new land. You must build a city with 2000 inhabitants of which 200 must be Aristocrats. You must achieve ...
  15. King's Treasure

    • Dobber
    • May 28, 2005 at 12:55 PM
    "You were on a mission for your King when your ship became landlocked during a storm, you have managed to build a warehouse and a fortress in this new land. You must build a city with 2000 taxpayers of which 200 must be Aristocrats. You must have an o ...
  16. Shipwreck Island

    • Dobber
    • December 18, 2004 at 3:28 AM
    Southern climate island, and as with most of my islands, has limited starting spot locations. As a matter of fact on this one there is only one location for the starting warehouse. I feel that some challenging scenarios could be built centering around ...
  17. Megopolis

    • Dobber
    • November 20, 2004 at 12:56 PM
    A collection of 15 islands, northern in nature with a central island with the rest clustered around it. All starting locations are on the central island. The narrow channels can cause a problem with shipping, but provide excellent defense possibilitie ...
  18. Hidden Cove

    • Dobber
    • November 20, 2004 at 12:48 PM
    150x150 northern island with I believe only one location suitable for a beginning warehouse, but the channel is fairly wide so shipping should not be affected.
  19. Inland Port

    • Dobber
    • November 20, 2004 at 12:42 PM
    Northern island with only one spot to build the starting warehouse. 80x100
  20. Four Rivers

    • Dobber
    • November 20, 2004 at 12:38 PM
    Large northern island with four rivers dividing it. It is a lightly forested island with a lake in the center, where there should be some good fishing if you can find somewhere to place a fishing hut. There are plenty of good fishing spots around the ...