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Frisch Angeheuert

  • »noors« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, 01:01

Custom 3d models in Anno 1404 ?

Hallo !
I apologise but i will use english. I'm french, my german lessons are way behind me and i don't want to be disrespectful with bad google translations!

This forum looks to be the most active place on Anno modding. Strangely enough, i found none in english (I know the game was made in germany). This game rocks though, and the graphics are just incredible, but i get it's pretty hard to mod.

So, i'm a sort of cg artist. I'd like for fun to remake a (or some) building of old Caesar III inside Anno 1404. In fact, i've been thinking about for years. I'm totally new to anno modding. I've done some objects for Source tho.

Yet i've found very few informations, most of the time in german, which don't help.
So here are my questions. Feel free to answer in german, i'll manage to get it right :)

Did some of you manage to compile a model back into anno 1404 ?
I've been able to unpack and import models correctly in max with evegr2toobj.exe
I can view the original files correctly with the granny viewer
Now the problem is to export back in .gr2 and also, put the files at the right places, so i can see a cutom model in-game. It could be a simple reskin of an existent model, i don't really want to create new types of buildings.

It seems there is some granny exporter for max, which is very difficult to find (besides, i didnt find it :p )
There is also an old expotron plug in which only works with max 8 or under. Pretty hard to find now. I guess Ubisoft don't like people mess with their files (which is a shame)

Are those tools usable for anno 1404 ?
Any guide somewhere to achieve what i want ?
Is it even possible with the actual tools ?
I've been looking though the forum already but it is a bit obscure to me.

Thanks for any answer !

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »noors« (24. Juli 2012, 01:01)



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Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, 06:16

Salut noors!
Sorry to german people, i want answer directly into French language!


Originally posted by noors

So, i'm a sort of cg artist. I'd like for fun to remake a (or some) building of old Caesar III inside Anno 1404. In fact, i've been thinking about for years. I'm totally new to anno modding. I've done some objects for Source tho.

Yet i've found very few informations, most of the time in german, which don't help.
So here are my questions. Feel free to answer in german, i'll manage to get it right :)

Did some of you manage to compile a model back into anno 1404 ?
I've been able to unpack and import models correctly in max with evegr2toobj.exe
I can view the original files correctly with the granny viewer
Now the problem is to export back in .gr2 and also, put the files at the right places, so i can see a cutom model in-game. It could be a simple reskin of an existent model, i don't really want to create new types of buildings.

It seems there is some granny exporter for max, which is very difficult to find (besides, i didnt find it :p )
There is also an old expotron plug in which only works with max 8 or under. Pretty hard to find now. I guess Ubisoft don't like people mess with their files (which is a shame)

Are those tools usable for anno 1404 ?
Any guide somewhere to achieve what i want ?
Is it even possible with the actual tools ?
I've been looking though the forum already but it is a bit obscure to me.

Thanks for any answer !

Attend une fois, parce que ici tu parle de beaucoup de chôse à la fois!


Originally posted by noorsI've been able to unpack and import models correctly in max with evegr2toobj.exe

Euhhhhhhh, Moi pour convertir les modèles Gr2 du jeu Anno 1701, oui, là je suis d'accord le convertiseur evegr2toobj.exe fonctionne.
Mais en ce qui concerne a présent les modèles Gr2 de Anno 1404.
moi j'ai essayer de les convertirs, même en changeant les versions des fichiers Granny.dll en l'utilisant avec Evegr2toobj. Ici cela n'as pas fonctionner!

Maintenant je serais impatient de savoir, comment toi tu as réussis a convertir les Gr2.
A moins, que tu as parler des modèles Gr2 utiliser dans le jeu Caesar III.

Et là, je t'éclaircis déjà à l'avance, attention, a ne pas utiliser des modèles provenant des autres jeux, sans en avoir la permissions des auteurs...
Il y'a une différence entre insérer dans le Jeu Anno 1404 les modèles des versions du jeu antérieur, mais faisant tous partie intégrante de Related Design, donc ici comme le Mod IAAM, ici pas de problème, mais dans le cas d'importer des modèles provenant d'autre jeu......
(Pour le jeu Blitzkrieg, Il y'a eu un cas similaire, ou un moddeur Allemand, avait essayer d'utiliser dans son mod des modèles sous Copyright, en moins de deux, il avait eu un avertissement de la part d'un avocat de la firme qui invoquait de suite l'utilisation du copyright de ses modèles, et le moddeur, était obliger de retirer les modèles ainsi que de modifier son mod originale). donc attention a ce que tu souhaite faire....

le plugin Expotron est entièrement à oublier, ce n'est pas ce plugin là, que il te faut!

Moi, j'ai essayer les plugin export et import autant sous, 3DS, Maya 3D le plugin existe entre autre encore pour XSI, mais ce programme là, je ne l'ai pas!

Ici il te faut le Rad Game Tool v1.6 pack (qui comporte les fameux plugins pour les trois logiciels). Utilise Google pour trouver les lieux de téléchargement.

Pour importer les modèles Gr2 de Anno 1404, ici actuellement moi, je passe a travers Grnreader98.
et pour que cela fonctionne, il est nécessaire de modifier le fichier Granny.dll du convertisseur.
En raison, que le Grnreader98, utilise une ancienne version, et que Anno 1404 utilise la nouvelle version.
Ainsi il te suffit de copier et de coller le Granny.dll du jeu Anno 1404 dans le répertoire de Grnreader98. et après identiquement comme sous eve2toobj. cela fonctionne en commande Dos.
et a travers la conversion, tu auras un fichier .SMD.

Pour 3DS max, enfin moi j'utilise encore la version 7 de 3dsmax, ici, il existe autant un plugin import autant un script pour importer les fichier smd.
Maintenant si tu utilise 3dsmax 2012, ben ici je ne sais pas si soit le script ou le plugin font bon ménage avec la version 2012.
Mais sous 3dsmax 7, chez moi et sous maya 8.5 cela fonctionne.

Maintenant pour exporter les modèles.
Ben ici, petite question.
Connait tu tout, de ce que le jeu demande en terme pour les modèles 3D?
déjà Animation séparer (Animation dans un fichier Gr2 et le modèle 3D dans un autre fichier Gr2).
Ici c'était juste pour les modèles disposant des animations.

Related Design, eux ont laisser filtrer quelques petites informations.
Et en plus, Eux, donc les concepteur des modèles et du jeu donc détiennent quelques outils, que nous ont auras jamais.

Ainsi, par exemple, pour chaque modèle exporter, il faut créer un fichier .ifo et un fichier .cfg
Ces deux fichiers son éditable sous le notepad (bloc note de windows si tu préfère).

Exemple concret, tu souhaite créer un navire.
Le navire en lui même ne détient pas d'animation, tandis que la voile elle oui!
donc temps de temps que tu ne changeras pas le nombres de mats sur un navire, ou même la taille du mat en lui même, puisque la voile elle détient l'Animation clothing simulation.
donc détient des point de référence entre le mat et la Voile ou doit figurer l'animation.
Tant de temps, ou tu ne toucheras pas a cela, tu pourras créer aisément des navires.

Pour les bâtiments.
Les bâtiments eux ne détiennent pas d'animation.
mais contiennent des effets.
Donc effet de fumée sortant de la cheminée etc...
Lis bien une fois le contenu des fichier .cfg et .Ifo.
Tu verra apparaître entre autre le mot "Pathblocker"
et "Buildblocker"
BuildBlocker = interdiction que tu puisse construire un autre bâtiment sur cette emplacement.
et le Pathblocker = comme les ingénieur de Related Design, l'on si bien décrit.
Le Pathblocker, sert a ordonner au jeu Anno 1404, que les unités (donc tous les personnage qui se balade dans le jeu, que ce soit des unités militaire ou de simple civile). Eux n'auront pas le droit d'utiliser ses coordonnées qui sont donné dans le fichier .ifo. pour marcher a travers cette emplacement.

Comme je te l'ais déjà énumérer plus haut.
RD soit related Design, eux disposent de certains software spéciale Maison, donc qui ont été créer tout spécialement pour Related Design.
Ainsi, eux ils utilise telle le "Object Builder" software, pour assigner les aires de blocage.

Tu vois ici, la surface marqué en rouge = aires de passage interdit, puisque elle recouvre l'emplacement du bâtiment.
Tandis que l'aire en couleur Vert = droit de passage autoriser.

Ainsi pour nous, comme ont ne dispose pas de cet outils, pour définir les emplacements, il nous faut les créer manuellement.

Et ce, dans le répertoire "Maps" tu trouveras plusieurs fichier fichier texture.
Dont l'un se dénomme

ce fameux fichier lui comme c'est une face plane que ils utilise pour les Pathblocker et le Buildblocker, ainsi comme tu pourra le voir, il est simple de recréer un fichier identique, et ce il te suffit juste d'effectuer une impression d'écran en vue de dessus sous 3DS et par la suite, il faut texturer identiquement comme les autres modèles, le sol, donc partie noir = Emplacement de blocage et partie texturer emplacement droit de passage.

autrement, ici relis entièrement en français, ce que je vient déjà de t'énumérer.…d-anno-1404.htm

Mais si tu as encore des question, tu peut continuer a les poser sur ce forum.
et si ce sont des question spécifique, il est préférable, de les poser en Anglais, ici j'ai juste en vitesse répondu brièvement dans notre langue.

Sorry leute, dass es so lange war, aber wenn ihr im noch weiter in Englisch wollt beantworten, ist kein problem!


Frisch Angeheuert

  • »noors« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 6

Registrierungsdatum: 24. Juli 2012

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Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, 10:18

wooa ça c'est de la réponse ! merci !
Bon je verrai tout ça en detail ce soir, j'ai pas trop le temps là. C'est moi qui t'ai contacté sur, donc inutile de répondre là-bas !

Ok, so i keep on in english.

First, i just want to do this for my own fun, i don't plan to release any files, just screenshots and videos. I totally dont want to earn money with it in any way, so i don't really see how that could be an issue.

I want to remake a caesar 3 sprite in 3d, as the game was in 2d, so it will be my own model.
Besides, using this granny exporter, or even unpacking the game files is probably already illegal.

Modding is always a gray area. Usually companies close their eyes, or even kinda encourage it because it really makes a community live around their games. We wouldn't have all those great Valve games like counter-strike or team fortress 2 without mods.

So yes, eve2toobj generates an error, saying the versions don't match, but still it outputs a correct .obj. The uv's are flipped but that's nothing much to fix. I'll try with your method anyway, to see if the file is different in some way. I've seen that the ground is just a decal, with its coordinates defined in the config file, but i managed to map it easily on a plane in max.

Yes i've looked at the config files. Editing them doesn't seem impossible. But really i'm only interested in the graphic part of it, so i don't really care if the collisions aren't set properly, etc...

Ok, so the main question now would be, where do i have to put new .gr2 and .dds files so i could see them ingame ? It's probably more simple to replace existent buildings. But the origianl models are packed in rda files. Should i have to make some folder hierarchy somewhere to override the game files ?

Thanks for your help, much appreciated !

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »noors« (24. Juli 2012, 14:52)



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Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, 15:35

ok, to each people understand all, keep on Shakespear language!

read this first into English!

So here is speak about 1404 RDA explorer tool.
you can download it here.

It's dont illegal to unpack game file, it's illegal to create new mod, and try it to would money as counter part, if model are under copyright from another game author.
So if you would use for you'r self fun, you can each time make new model, test new ability etc....
so you can as example, create new game as you'r caesar III with Anno Engine, but here you can only make video or any picture to detail you'r self work, but this should hold as private modification, not sale mod, or sale Game.

So The 1404.exe, or Addon.exe file, this don't be should are distributed. Because this is illegal and is hold is copyright + serial.
So you can make Mod as IAAM modder have make, so mod, should use Original Anno game to run.
So only people we have Anno Game, can play this.

And if you make modification, with building coming from another game, here, you hold you'r mod as private, because copyright from model.
If you have create self 3d Model from 2D picture, this is so you'r personal work, so personal copyright.

So texture should are modified and 3D model should are modified.
So you'r future mod, if don't contain exe or dll file from original game, so this is are fully legal as mod.
Mod should only contain Gr2, dds, and other graphical design file.

this is the part of legal and illegal to law.

So now i should only make a bit pause!!!
I coming after and give you more details about modding.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »colombus« (24. Juli 2012, 18:00)



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Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, 18:15

so i been back, i would just preparing my text under word, so is simply to edit all!


Frisch Angeheuert

  • »noors« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 6

Registrierungsdatum: 24. Juli 2012

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Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012, 23:47

In the meantime, i tried the conversion in .smd with "grnreader98.v1.4.0.3.debug"
I tried with the "grnreader_hack" (can't remember where i got that one), but it didn't work.

Then i tried with wunderboy smd importer which i usually use for Source stuff, but it generates an error.
Finally, cannonfodder's importer works, but the mesh normals are flipped and the model has some 90° rotation.

So i'll stick with Evegr2toobj. With the granny2.dll from the game files, it doesnt even generate an error. I don't know why it doesn't work for you :/
The smd is probably better for skinned objects like characters though.

I've found the sdk, thank you for that. I think it should even work for max 2008, because there's a "10" version of the plugin, and after max 9 was max 2008.

I think the custom gr2 should be put in a similar folder hierarchy as the game pack. Waiting for you explanations though.

Merci encore !

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »noors« (24. Juli 2012, 23:49)



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Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 01:57

So, here explain!
The Rda Explorer tool, is to use to unpack and pack the directory to rda file.

So here after one rda file is unpacked, so you obtain it directly the real hierachy to use to pack you'r main directory Data.
So as here!

Each directory = 1 rda unpacked file.
Data0 directory = Data0.rda file packed
Data1 Folder = Data1.rda file packed
So you don't should modify name we are used in subfolder category.
Yes you can create new folder to insert you'r new model, but each time, you'r folder should contain the basis file to work into game..
So this subfolder category, are organised as follow.

Factory contain all factory model
Farm folder contain all farm building model
So, before you would make a 3d Model, you should know, in what category should go the model.

Ai, category, is for game.

(data2\data\graphics\buildings\public\north\) This subfolder category, so you can see it, is organised if model should Build on North Island, or if you have select South Category, here, the Building, are to Southern Island.

But, this don't would say that model can only are build in Northern or Southern Area.
No, i have try it with game, if Northern Market place is build on Southern Island, so it possible to build Northern City type.
But this is specify with world settings.
So Public category, can be are build on northern and Southern Area.
Farm we make Production, no, this category is specific to world Island settings.
North productivity is only to make on Northern Island.
And Southern Category, only to make production on Southern Island.

So, here is subfolder category, to insert all new Directory list to Public building category to North.

So you can see, all name are write into English language.

So i use now carpenter house as example,

Here, into folder from Model, are divided into 2 subfolders + 2 files.
Config file and Information file from model should have place, on upper level from folder.
And you'r Granny file should are insert into Gr folder.
And you'r Uvmaps should are insert into Maps folders.

I have use this category, because, this public category, don't use Animation, and don't use Special effect.
So, is easy to create new 3d model,
If you would make model from this category, you should use a old .Ifo and .Cfg file to edit you'r new model.
To this category, you should only to make.
- 3D model.
- Uvmaps
- Ground_face maps
- Edit Ifo and Cfg file.
- And assign new Guid Number to you'r model.

If you would create building from another category, so you should use old Ifo, and Cfg file from other category.

So this was only to start.
I will go now to search all information to Guid number and Assets....

Wait, i answer into new answer to solve you'r Grnreader98 problem.



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Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 02:16

To Grnreader98.
Have you change the original Granny.dll with the version file which are used into Game?

So, Granny2.dll file from game = Version
Original Granny2.dll from Grnreader98 = (old version, not recognize the Gr2 file from Anno game).

So to make convertion.
Copy you'r Gr2 + DDS file from Model into main folder from Grnreader98.
So as you can see it on screenshoot.

To make conversion.
Under Dos window use this.
Grnreader98 _xxxxxx.gr2_-a

_ = space (not use sub key character "Barre d'espace à utiliser") but the name of anno gr2 model file, contain sub character key, so here is to use sub key character.

Xxxx = entire name of model we should be are converted

-a = option to indcate into Grnreader98, that you would have .smd as file format.

Grnreader98 make not conversion from Animation Gr2 file. It make only conversion from 3D mesh file.

This is all, so Grnreader98 convert you'r model directly into Smd file, so you can see it on my screenshoot right side.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »colombus« (25. Juli 2012, 02:28)



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Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 03:35

the flipped face, this is make also in Grnreader98 conversion.
But it easy to change the flipped face.

To Axis reference, here, under 3ds max, you should:

so you have choice, or you use import smd plugin or import smd max script.
all two import mode done flipped face and X axis -90 position.

Under Maya 3d. with import Smd script, here, maya ask me if i would use original axis, and i answer yes. So i have only to select all face from model, and flip face.

So you, under 3dsmax, after import model, you become this view.

So here.
1) Select all part from you'r model.
2) to x axis done 90 as value.

so you have now the real axis position so as model should are looking.

3) and now to flip face.

So you should only select mesh from model, not Bones from model.
And after you have select mesh.

so you select modifier and "normal modifiers".
and into parameter, you should select "flp normals".

Because normals = face can look on positive or negative side.
into negative side, is = if camera view is locate on back side. so negative side.

Difference between smd and obj format by making conversion.
Smd format hold the mesh object + bones part + uvmap into import
Obj format import only mesh object + uvmap position

This is all.


Frisch Angeheuert

  • »noors« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 08:54

Yes, but i already managed to export to smd. Also, i've been using 3ds max on a daily basis for years, so don't worry about technical parts in Max.
Anyway, that's nice to you to take so much time to explain.

Thanks for the folders info ! I shall try tonight. So i don't have to repack after ?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »noors« (25. Juli 2012, 08:58)



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Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 14:27

Anno 1404, execute data by reading information write into the compacted .Rda file.
So you should use to add you'r new 3d granny file and dds file +++ the other file, to insert into unpacked subfolder, who you have add you'r new folder "called into English name", the new building.

And if you have managed this all into this new folder, so, it necessary to repack it and to save it to same "datax.rda" file.
The "x" letter write her, is only to represent the number from data file, we you have edit it, and we you should rewrite it, to uptdate this file.

So each modification, should done updated data rda file.
To repack, her is simple, use new time, the 1404 rda explorer, and here you should not use unpack file, but, read it her:

So if you follow this, the datax.rda file are write into you'r "C:\Documents and Settings\......\Mes documents" folder

so you should make copy-paste from this file to replace old datax.rda file into anno1404 maindata folder.


Frisch Angeheuert

  • »noors« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 6

Registrierungsdatum: 24. Juli 2012

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Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 14:43

Ah ok, it makes sense now. Thank you very much !
I'll try to export a little something tonight.


Frisch Angeheuert

  • »noors« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 6

Registrierungsdatum: 24. Juli 2012

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Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2012, 23:46

Ok, this is a small step, but a step nonetheless !
I'm already happy !
Now i've to figure out how the materials assignment works.

mmh, i've exported with a correct material name (which is "01"), with the correct texture. It looks fine in Granny viewer, but the uv's are still destroyed in-game, like nothing changed.
Well, further tests tomorrow.

Ah ! I was missing tangent and binormal in the exporter options ! Now it works !
OK, well now that i have nearly understood the workflow, it's time to make my model.
Thanks again !
Merci !

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »noors« (26. Juli 2012, 01:21)